
Swap Page UI and Description

This is where you can swap your tokens directly.

There are two types of interface themes. Those are dark themes and light themes.

This is done by a click on the dark/light theme button on the top left corner of the page.

Details Tab

This is located on the left side of the swap page.

It can be minimized by the (-) button or maximized by the (+) button on top o the bar. You can also cancel it by the (x) button which you can make a show again by clicking on the settings icon on swap and selecting the show details tab.

This bar contains various details as shown below;

These details vary with the tokens you have selected to swap. For instance, the above details are shown because on the swap RGP and AXS tokens have been selected for swap.

The details show the token name, token supply, and token description.

Transaction History & Market History Bar

This is located on the right side of the swap page.

It can be minimized by the (-) button or maximized by the (+) button on top o the bar. You can also cancel it by the (x) button which you can make a show again by clicking on the settings icon on swap and selecting the show details tab.

There are two histories on this bar, that is,

  • Transaction History bar - This shows a few recent transactions done by you on the smart swap dapp.

  • Market History bar - This shows recent transactions done by various users including your transactions on the smart swap dapp.

Swapping Interface

This is where you select and swap your tokens.

There are various features for display and user experience, described below;

  • Settings Icon - This is where you change the slippage tolerance, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0% is given or one to choose, and also an insert entry where one can input his own favorable slippage tolerance percentage according to the tokens being swapped and their volatility. Here you also have a time deadline entry for the transaction, this means the transaction will revert when it pends for the time inputted here or more. Also here is where you will find the hide/show the side tabs (details and transaction history tab)

Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than the percentage inputted on the slippage tolerance.

  • Select a Token Button - This is where you click and select the tokens you need to swap, you'll be able to view each token with its balance here. You can select tokens on the list or add them if they are not on the list. To add, you need to search the token name or paste the token contract address on the search input space.

Only tokens in the connected wallet network will be able to be searched and be found

  • Input amount space and balance display - You can view your specific token balance which has made it easy to know the exact amount you might need to swap. The input amount space is to allow a user to input a certain amount of token he/she needs to swap. this is automatically calculated according to the price o the alternate token or swap.\

  • Max Button - On click, this inputs all tokens selected for swap.

  • Interchange Button - This button switches the tokens you are swapping and interchange them that for example, RGP token is switched to AXS token and vice versa. Check the illustration below;

  • Swap Tokens Button - This is the main button on this page, it allows you to swap and confirm the tokens you are swapping. You can then view your transaction in the history on the transaction history tab or the BSC scan.

How To Swap on SmartSwap Dapp

Visit the smart swap page here, then click on the launch dapp button.

On the swapping page, select the tokens you like to swap by clicking the select token button and inputting the amount according to the balance in your wallet. You can view your balance on the balance display space.

Note that you cannot swap more than the available balance in your wallet.

Click on the swap tokens button and then click on the confirm your transaction.

Click confirm on the wallet pop-up and wait for the transaction confirmation.

Once the transaction is successful, this pop-up image above is shown, your tokens balance is now swapped.

For the failed transaction, this pop-up image above is shown, your tokens balance is not swapped.

Last updated