Dapp Walkthrough

This is the dapp onboarding walkthrough

On the top menu bar, we have different features. These features are:

  • Logo home button - By clicking this button, you will be taken back to home(www.rigelprotocol.com).

  • Dapps dropdown menu feature - here is where all Rigel Protocol dapps are found by just a click away. Click on this button and choose any dapp you need to interact with. These are the dapps found on the dropdown menu; SmartSwap dapp where you can swap tokens directly, GiftDapp where you gift tokens in a fun way, Smart Bid where you bid for tokens, Leverage Exchange dapp where you trade using decentralized tokens, and LaunchPad where you join projects hosted on Rigel Protocol.

  • Swap button with the dropdown menu - Onclick, this button takes you to the swap page where you can swap tokens directly, view market transaction history on the right side of the page, and view details about RGP token on the left side of the page.

  • Liquidity button - Onclick, this button takes you to the liquidity page where, you can add liquidity, view your liquidity positions, and also import the pool(s) you joined.

  • Farming button - Onclick, this button takes you to the farming page where, you can stake,farm, and harvest.

  • Analytics button - This button on click will take you to the analytics page.

  • Network chain name display - This shows network names e.g BSC mainnet, BSC Testnet...

  • RGP token balance display - This diplays amount of RGP available in your wallet.

  • BNB balance display - This displays the amount of BNB available in your wallet.

  • Wallet address display - This displays your wallet address in initials.

  • Social Media Menu - This button contains all Rigel Protocol social media links, including; LinkedIn, Medium, Telgram, Github, Twitter, and Discord.

  • Dark and Light theme button - This button has made it is to select dark or light theme by just a click away.

Last updated