
Liquidity Page UI and Description

You can visit this page here

Any user can switch the theme to dark or light according to his/her preference by clicking on the button on the far top right corner.

There are different features on this page, these includes;

  • Add Liquidity Button - This button is the main button on this page. Here is where a user clicks and selects the tokens he/she need to add as liquidity. The user will then need to approve and confirm the transaction, after which he/she can then view the liquidity provided on my liquidity positions space.

When you add liquidity, you will receive pool tokens representing your position. These tokens automatically earn fees proportional to your share of the pool and can be redeemed at any time.

  • Create a pair - This is a button like add liquidity though this one prompts you to add a pair of tokens as liquidity. This means you will be the first to provide liquidity to the pairs you have created.

  • Import It button - If you do not see a pool you joined, you click this button to import. You will have to select the correct pairs of the liquidity you joined then you can manage it henceforth.

  • My Liquidity Position - This is a space where you can view all your liquidity positions. Here is also where you can manage your liquidities either by adding more all removing.

How To Add Liquidity on SmartSwap DApp

Visit this link to access the liquidity page

Click the add liquidity button, the proceed to select your pairs. You have the ability to create your own pair and also import a pool you joined.

Select your token pairs and input the amount The dapp auto-sync amount on the second pair, so there is no need to input the amount on both pairs.

When you add liquidity, you will receive pool tokens representing your position. These tokens automatically earn fees proportional to your share of the pool and can be redeemed at any time.

Click confirm liquidity add and confirm your supply.

Click confirm on the wallet pop-up and wait for the transaction confirmation.

Once the transaction is successful, this pop-up image above is shown, your liquidity is now added.

For the failed transaction, this pop-up image above is shown, your liquidity balance is not added.

Last updated